Discover Your Hidden Gem

This teaching was also taken from a series of motivational daily publications from some years back called Four Weeks With God in Business.

It consisted of a daily teaching on the subject of doing business as a believer, and many different principles were covered over a period of one month.

The transcripts of each daily teaching were transcribed and published in a book with that same name, which is available for purchase, both from our bookshop and also from Amazon. See the links below if you are interested in purchasing a copy.

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Text Transcript

Welcome back. I hope you had a very blessed Monday, and that on this Tuesday you’re ready to face the world and do exciting things.

I want to ask you one simple question: What did you read today? Do you know that reading is very important, because it is one of the greatest ways to feed your mind?

If you don’t have any good books to read then probably the best book to start with is the Bible. You have 66 books to choose from there.

Read Aloud

Solomon said this:

Read out loud with understanding, and lift up your voice for insight. Try to obtain her like silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures.

Did you notice again the connection between understanding and insight, wisdom and speech? There is such a power in our words.

One of the most powerful things you can do when you read, is to read out loud. Try it some time. Take a Bible passage in the morning before you start the day. Don’t just rush through and say,

“Let me read the Word quickly.”

Take a small passage and read it out loud, and listen to yourself as you speak those words. You will be amazed at what seems to come out and what you feel within as you speak those words out loud.

Apart from telling us to read out loud and keep speaking words, what exactly is Solomon saying here?

You need to keep lifting up your voice, because in the middle of a conversation truths pop out. While you’re discussing things with people, wisdom and ideas will pop out.

Haven’t you ever noticed that while you are sitting discussing something with somebody, suddenly an idea will come into your mind?

One of the most powerful ways of getting new ideas is to share. It is the principle known as brainstorming, where people all pool their ideas. They share and talk and things come out.

Wealth Should Be Secondary

But apart from that, what Solomon was actually saying here was,

“Do not seek wealth first.”

Yes I know we all want to be rich. And yes I know that if you have started your own business it is so that you could make a lot of money and become wealthy. But if that is the main thing that you are looking to accomplish, there is another verse that Solomon tells us about.

He says, “If you look for money, it takes wings and flies away.”

I am sure that you know that one only too well don’t you? Don’t look for wealth primarily. What you must look for are the things that will produce wealth.

Well what is going to produce wealth? We have been looking at it for the last two days now. It is wisdom, understanding, insight and good ideas.

Every single person who has made a fortune in business came up with a business idea. He took that idea, put it into practice and turned it into money.

So now you need to read and you need to speak. You need to mutter as we saw yesterday. And you need to continually tap into and pour out what comes from your spirit within. You need to dig deep.

Discover the Gems

Solomon says, “You should be looking for these things as though you’re digging in the ground for silver; like you’re digging for diamonds and other hidden gems.”

Sometimes you find these things lying on the ground in certain places, but it is not very common. Most of the time if you are to find a good diamond or valuable gemstone, you are going to have to dig in the ground until you find it.

You know your mind and your spirit are like that ground. You need to dig deep, and it’s going to take a bit of effort to do that.

But if you will do it with the same kind of motivation that a prospector has to try and find gold, silver or rich gemstones and diamonds; if you have that same enthusiasm you might just find that diamond.

You might find a ruby. Or you might find a valuable stone or a piece of silver. It is all sitting there deep down inside of you, waiting to be discovered.

You have to discover it on your own. You have to bring it out. And if you discover these things and you bring them out, what do you have in your hands?

You say, “Well that’s great. I have all these brilliant ideas but I’m still poor.”

Yes, but now you have the tools that you need to become wealthy. Look for those things first. Develop them. Find them. Pull them out, put them together and write them down. Start to accumulate them.

Eventually a picture will come together and you will say,

“I know exactly how to go out and make a lot of money. I know just how to become wealthy and how to succeed in business.”

Read books, because other people have discovered these gems and you can discover some of their gems. Read the Bible. It is full of gems.

Tap Inside Yourself

And then you need to tap into what is already inside of you. You have read and heard so many things during your lifetime, and so many of these things have escaped your memory. But they are still sitting there deep down inside. They are still waiting to be tapped.

You say, “I clean forgot about that. I remember reading that somewhere once.”

As you remember it and bring it out again, suddenly it becomes a valuable gemstone. When you first put it in you didn’t think it was that valuable. But now suddenly it comes to life.

Sit down and recall the many things that you have learned over your lifetime. You will be amazed to find that you already have within yourself, everything that you will ever need to succeed in business and to become wealthy.

Why don’t you go and do that today, and I will share more with you again tomorrow.

2 comments on “Discover Your Hidden Gem”

  1. Markpeters Bunde says:

    Aha. Now am beginning to get it….

    How ideas are created & generated. Ideas are created via reading and interactions=discussing with people.

    Ideas are generated as we begin writing or journaling down out our thoughts, dreams and aspirations in life. Anytime you write, something is generated. Writing isn’t just a storage of information but vitally a means of generating ideas so it’ll be given ventilation when you revise them.

  2. Markpeters Bunde says:

    Key points 👉:

    1/- Ideas are created and generated.
    Apostle Les D’Crause talked and taught us how they’re simply created and generated.

    Generate isn’t the same thing as create. Their main difference is in execution. In create, you are digging for what’s in obvious so you’ll make it obvious. In generating, you’re “gathering” what’s already gone by your digging deep so you’ll put it to work. Many people have mistaken or limited writing to just a means of storing information but it’s far more than that. Writing is also means of gathering your thoughts together. Infact, it’s the first mode of executing your thoughts and giving action to it before it really happen live.

    Hahahahaha. Am loving this read already.

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