Change Your Clothes
It is not enough to simply identify and remove bad mantles. This removes the obstacles to the power of God flowing out from you. But it does not encourage or increase the flow of that power.
In Scripture two processes are taught – putting off and then putting on. So when you put off or take off a bad mantle, it is necessary that you put back into its place, a good mantle that will encourage and enable the power of God to begin to flow in your favor for blessing.
Audio Recording
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Text Transcript
It is time for you to change your clothes. You say, well, I like what I’m wearing, why should I change it? Well, I’m not speaking about natural clothes, I’m speaking about spiritual clothing. You see, what you look like and the kind of life you live is often determined by what you put on.
And a lot of things can change just by taking off what you’re wearing right now and putting something better on. Now, Paul uses this analogy in dealing with the spiritual life. In Ephesians 4, verse 24, he says you should have put on the new person who under the influence of God was created in righteousness and true holiness.
And then he speaks about putting off a lot of the bad things in our lives. Now, we’ve been speaking for a while now about dealing with bad mantles. And we’ve seen that a bad mantle is something that Satan causes to happen in our lives to block the blessing of the Lord from flowing out of us.
You see, God’s power is resident deep within your spirit. When you were born again, you got a new spirit. When you were baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit, your spirit was empowered.
And all of that power is sitting right there deep down inside of you. And it needs to be released. But Satan produces bad mantles to stop that power from going out.
Now, what produces these bad mantles? Well, firstly, the allowing the flesh, our sinful nature, to rule in our lives. And it’s like a tree that grows from three main roots. And those roots are bitterness and sexual desire in the form of lust and temporal values of desire for things, fortune and fame.
But then also, the enemy uses other people to bring curses into our lives, to bring bad influences into our lives. And all of these together form a covering, a bad mantle, a bad piece of clothing, which is preventing that power and glory of the Lord from inside, from flowing out of you. So, what must we do? Well, the first thing you must do is get rid of the bad mantle.
And we’ve dealt with this in some detail. I’ve even given you a free e-book online to explain some of the main principles involved. But I’ve found that many folks, once they’ve dealt with a bad mantle, they think everything’s now suddenly going to come right.
But the reality is that God’s power also has to be released via a mantle. In other words, it’s not enough to put off a bad mantle. You’ve got to put back a good mantle in its place.
And just as the works of the flesh help produce a bad mantle, so God has ways of producing a good mantle. And what are the signs of a good mantle? What are the three things that the scripture speaks about that cause a good mantle to form? And they are these three words, faith, love and hope. Paul speaks about these in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, where he’s been speaking about love and he says, now abides faith, hope and love.
These are the three most important things. So, to put on a good mantle in place of that bad one, you need to develop your faith. And faith is simply knowing that you know and believe in God.
Learning to hear his voice from deep inside and becoming convinced as you hear his voice, and as you believe God, faith is born. And then you need hope. And hope is having a clear picture for the future, not a, oh, I hope things come right.
And I expect them to come right. That is what hope is. And the only way you can get that is again, by getting a revelation from deep within your spirit.
Let God fill your mind with good pictures. If you’ve been struggling with a bad mantle of sickness and disease, and you’ve now finally cast that off, what picture is filling your mind? Are you seeing health? Or are you seeing yourself still struggling with this physical infirmity? The picture must change. You must have hope.
You must have faith that you believe God’s word. Then you must have hope that things are going to change. And then the third one is love.
And love really deals with your motivation because love is always other oriented and love always gives. So to walk in love means I’m not concerned about myself primarily, but I’m concerned about being a blessing to others. And I want to walk in health so that I can better serve the Lord and help other people.
I want to walk in financial prosperity so that I can be a greater blessing to others. I want to develop good relationships so that I can be a good influence on other people and show them that God cares and that I care. Faith, hope, and love are so important.
And then just as bad mantles are motivated by associations and influences coming from other people that are not inspired by God, but inspired by the enemy, so you can develop a good mantle by letting God bring into your life people that have a passion for the Lord, that have a right motive and a right attitude, that are flowing with God, and can release some of that power towards you to enhance the power of the Holy Spirit that’s already in you and to build you up so that you’re now enclosed in something new and magnificent and glorious. So that as you go out, you are shining with the glory of the Lord. And now that power that’s deep inside of you has got a channel to flow out and suddenly your whole life becomes transformed.
It’s not enough to get rid of the bad mantle, folks. And a lot of you I know are sitting waiting for things to change because they’re down to the bad mantle. Yes, it’s great you put off the bad thing, but what have you put back in its place? It’s time to get into the scriptures, to get into the word, to get into listening to the voice of God, learn to journal and hear His voice, learn to flow in prophetic ministry, learn to interpret even your own tongues.
These are different ways that you can hear from the Lord as He speaks to you. And then build up the positive pictures. Let your mouth be filled with positive confessions.
And as you go out and interact with people, always be outgoing, what I call being other orientated. You don’t need anybody except the Lord. In fact, you are going to help meet the needs of others.
When you do this, that new mantle is going to burst into action. It’s going to glow with the fire of the Lord and your life’s going to become a blessing. Everything’s going to be wonderful.
And wherever you go, people are going to want to hang around with you because you’re just so oozing and filled and overflowing with the glory and power of the Lord. Don’t know about you, that’s the kind of life I want to live. So, it’s great.
You got rid of the bad mantles. If you haven’t, go and read my book and find out more. Deal with those bad mantles, cast it aside and then say, okay, from now on, every day, I’m going to change the pictures of my mind.
I’m going to see and I’m going to trust God and I’m going to say all the time, I’m expecting blessing. I’m expecting good things to come. Before you know it, your life’s going to be transformed.
I hope this was a blessing to you and I look forward to hearing some good testimonies. Amen.
3 comments on “Change Your Clothes”
Change Your Clothes Vlog – “Yes, it’s great you put off the bad thing, but what have you put back in its place? “ Excellent!
Wow,wow,what a transformational information of revelation my Apostle.Thank you so much sir.
This is a really good vlog. It is very encouraging.