Realizing What You Have

Probably one of the worst experiences for a believer is when you feel as though the Lord is not there anymore. 

You are walking with Him and sensing his presence, and everything seems fine. But then suddenly, He seems to disappear, and you feel like He has left you.  

Your first thoughts may be, I wonder if I did something to upset Him? Did I sin, and He is not happy with me? Did I fail my Lord, and now He has forsaken me?

And if you are not grounded in His grace and assurance of salvation, you might even think, “I wonder if I am still saved and will make it to heaven.”

Most of us know that famous verse in John 3:16 – whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. And most of us get it all wrong. We think that eternal life is living forever, one day in His presence in heaven. 

But what if I can show you that eternal life is not something you will get one day but something that you already have right now? Instead of taking my word for it, let me show it to you from the Scriptures. 

John 10:27  My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I continually give to them eternal [zoe] life; and they will never [double negative] perish, neither will anyone pluck them out of my hand. [GBMV]

You Have It Now Already

Referring to us as believers, Jesus said that He gives us eternal life. Now, the original simply says ‘gives,’ which does not show exactly what the original Greek indicates. You see, the tense used here is the Greek present continuous. 

That is why it can be translated as – “I continually give, all the time, right now.”

What does this mean to us? It means that Jesus continually pours into us His own eternal life. He is living there inside of you, and this life is continually radiating out from you. 

Instead of trying to live a life that could qualify you to one day spend eternity in His presence, you should be doing all you can to grab hold of the powerful life that is already inside of you. 

Here is how Paul described this:

1 Timothy 6: 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal [zoe] life, to which you are also called, and have professed a good profession before many witnesses. [GBMV]

He suggests that this is essential if you want to overcome the attacks that the enemy brings against you. And one of the most common and powerful attacks is the one that makes you think the Lord has deserted you.

You Never Need Fear Losing It

And just to reassure us that we need never fear this happening, He says further that we will never perish. That is the same term used in John 3:16 – those who believe will not perish. 

That is not because you have lived a righteous life that is acceptable to Him. It is because you already have His perfect life living inside of you. And that life is continually being renewed inside of you. 

Again, the Greek language helps us understand this statement better. The original translated never perish is a construction known as the double negative.  In English, if we use a double negative, it becomes a positive. I won’t not do it, actually means I will do it. 

But in Greek, the double negative means “not, never ever, under any circumstances.” Effectively, it means this can never happen. And to show why it cannot happen, Jesus explains that He is holding you in His hand, the strongest hand in the universe.

The Benefits of His Life In You

So here are some of the main things that this passage tells us. 

1. When you are born again, you receive a new spirit and are no longer the same person – everything has become new.

2. Jesus is now living permanently inside of you and is continually pouring into your spirit His powerful life. 

3. This ensures that you remain His child and that He will never let you go. But it also results in some wonderful things, which He mentions at the beginning. 

When you no longer feel His presence, or you cannot hear His voice anymore, it does not mean that He has forsaken you or stopped talking to you. It simply means that the enemy of your soul has sidetracked you to listen to the wrong voices. 

  • You are now able to listen to His voice. Because He is speaking inside of you 24 hours a day. 
  • Because you belong to Him, He knows you in a very intimate way. The Greek word used there for ‘know’ is the same word used to describe the intimate sexual relationship of a married couple. So that means He does not only know about you, but you are very special to Him.
  • Finally, He says that you will follow Him. And that is because He will always lead you and show you which way to go. You never need to be afraid of going the wrong way. 

He does this by getting you so wrapped up in the problems of life that you forget to take time to listen to your spirit deep inside. Then, He tries to fill your mind with negative thoughts, which create bad feelings in your soul. 

Probably the most important thing you can learn from this is that you already have inside of you all the power of God that you need to live successfully in this world. 

Grabbing The Power For Ministry

And if you need more power to do a ministry, you simply need to add that power of the Holy Spirit. This comes when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and go through a doorway leading to the gifts of the Spirit. 

Now, you need to simply tap into those powerful resources inside of you and pull out whatever you need. 

If you would like to understand better how to do this, I suggest you get a copy of my book Tapping Your Inner Resources, which explains it in detail. You can get it by clicking link below.

I hope this article blessed you. If it did, why not post a comment below? Once I approve it, your comment will remain for everyone to read. 

2 comments on “Realizing What You Have”

  1. Don Holliday says:

    This was really good.

  2. Wonderful article indeed. It’s true that most of the time we get side-tracked by the enemy, this makes us feel like someone in the wilderness, or someone lost and not having hope to live.

    Thanks Apostle Les for this powerful message that gives us the hope of eternal life, that means the life we have received as believers will never be destroyed, or taken away from us. In fact, the Bible says that it is indestructible.Meaning that it’s never going to fade away because it’s the very Life of God we have received.
    Iam so inspired and blessed by this message.

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