Prophetic Blessing For You

Instead of sending out a prophetic word by email in text alone, I decided today to make myself available to the Lord to speak prophetic words on camera. Here is the result

Prayer and Prophetic Words


You can listen to the audio of this message alone below


Below is the transcript of this message for those who prefer to read

I’d like to pray with you and speak the word of the Lord over you as he leads me today. There are so many needs out there and God knows those needs. I don’t and yet I could pray for virtually anything and I know I would be meeting somebody’s need but Perhaps the Lord has a special word today for you and your specific needs.

So I’m going to just open my heart to the Lord, and I’m going to speak whatever word he gives me to speak. Thank you, Father. I step into the Spirit now in Jesus name, and I ask you to speak through me, give me the words to speak to your people. I have seen your heart, says the Lord, I’ve seen your desires and I’ve seen the many cries that you have made, often all alone, as you reached out to me to intervene in your circumstances.

You have asked me for a miracle and you are waiting for me to perform that miracle, says the Lord. But my word must first go into the earth. before that miracle can be performed. And therefore I speak to my prophets and I instruct them to speak my authority into the earth. And when that takes place, then I am empowered to move.

Therefore you have waited for me to move says the Lord, but I have waited for more than that. And as you put your heart of faith out in trust to me, I will raise up those who will speak the words into the earth to accomplish that which you’ve asked for. Therefore now, in the name of Jesus, I speak the word of the Lord into the earth.

And I decree that this wall that I see in the spirit will be broken down and removed. And the obstacle that has been standing in the way of your progress in ministry and in understanding and being accepted by others in rising up and taking your place as leadership In the body of Christ, there has come a wall that stood in your way, says the Lord, and you have struggled for a long time to overcome that wall.

Therefore now that wall shall be broken down, and it shall be demolished like the walls of Jericho. And when they are removed, then you will go forward speedily in the direction that I told you to go a long time ago. Says the Lord. Therefore, continue to wait on me and keep your eyes open and look for the signs that show that this wall is beginning to crumble.

In the name of Jesus, I speak to that wall now. I command it to be broken down and to be demolished and to fall to the ground. In rubble, it will no longer block the way of the servant of the Lord who needs to go forward and to accomplish what God has called them to do. Therefore, as this wall gets removed, says the Lord, go forward boldly and the way will open before you.

And suddenly the things that you’ve struggled to do for a long time will all begin to fall into place for you. New opportunities will arise. New people will come into your life for I shall bring into your experience and into your inner circle those that I will use to assist you in fulfilling the calling that I’ve placed on your life.

I want to speak now also to somebody who’s been battling for finances and you’ve required finances in order to do the work of the Lord. You know what God has called you to do? You have made every plan that you could to go forward and carry that out, but there is no financial flow to enable you to do what needs to be done.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus now, I unleash, I unleash the storehouses of heaven and the storehouses here upon the earth, and I command that finance begins to flow forth. for you in abundance. May it come from the North and the South. The East and the West may it come upon you and overflow you and be more than enough.

For the Lord says I do not only provide enough and therefore you have asked me for a certain amount says the Lord but I delight in doing better than what you have asked for therefore I shall give to you a much larger amount than what you were hoping for Because there are additional things that I want you to do after you get moving in your first vision, and you are going to require extra finances in order to accomplish those.

When it all comes together, says the Lord, hold not back, put your hand to the plow, go forward boldly in my name, and accomplish everything that I’ve called you to do. And you shall rise up and walk in blessing, and you shall fulfill. Everything that I’ve put in your heart says the Lord

13 comments on “Prophetic Blessing For You”

  1. Nakia Hawley says:

    This is a timely word for me. I receive this word now and I’m believing for it. Thanks for this message.

    1. Apostle Tsebo Thaathe says:

      This is a timely word fore my Apostle.It is pointing to my situation in all it’s entirety.I receive the breakthrough in finances and fallen wall of resistance in the name of Jesus Christ.

  2. Carolyn Lois Johnston says:

    I receive this word from the Lord today. It is answering a lot of what
    I have been praying for lately. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  3. Jes says:

    To God be the Glory. This is a word for me..For far too long I have been facing these walls closing in on me. With no end in sight.
    These walls has gotten higher to climb and just when I thought I cant climb anymore I read this Word..God bless you Apostle Les for sharing.

  4. Edgar murillo arroyo says:

    Amen, thnx for the words, i have usted the traslate, because i dont speak inglish, but i have Hungría for God. Thnx for send me thats word from GOD

  5. Magdeline says:

    Amen to this prophetic word. Walls of stagnancy have been hindering my progress in many ways. I thank you Apostle Les for stepping out on our behalf, I thank the Lord for fulfilling His word. Amen

  6. Beth Hill says:

    Thank you so much for prayer and your unending support and care. It was a beautiful blessing and I found much of myself in it.

  7. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

    Thank you so much Apostle Les for prayer and the Prophetic Word. The word and prayer ministered to me. Thank you so much for speaking to the walls and other obstacles that have been blocking my way. I agree with you that they have been removed completely. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to remove the walls of limitations that we are all facing.
    I embrace every word that has been spoken to me by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

  8. Phillip Nare says:

    This speaks to me , I have been struggling as how to start ministry. I even finished a two year bible study but dn’,t know where to start?.I have been waiting for the Lord until now. Thank you you so much for interceding on our behalf and the prophecy.

    1. Les Crause says:

      We are launching a new school called Start Your Own Ministry which will take you by the hand and lead you a step at a time into starting and running your own ministry.

  9. Mark Stalnaker says:

    I stand with you in this prophecy and the Lord’s call to speak this into the earth. I receive its fulness and speak it forth. This is such a blessing.

  10. Apostle Patrick Musya from.Nairobi, Kenya says:

    Apostle the message is exactly as the Spirit gave you utterances. I receive the Prophetic verdict in the Name of Jesus Christ! Shalom

  11. Lila Jones says:

    Thank you Apostle Les for speaking this powerful word over me; I touch and agree with this anointing prayer of breaking down walls and the removing obstacles in my life. This word was right on time for my current situation. I look forward to continue on my journey to be a blessing to others. God Bless!

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