God Always Keeps His Promises

Joshua 21:45 Not one good thing that the Lord promised to the house of Israel failed to come to them. Everything was carried out. [GBMV]

Have you been waiting for ages for God to do what He promised you? And have you given up hope of it ever happening?

Well here is some good news for you.

After the nation of Israel had conquered the land of promise, the land was divided among everyone. And not a single person failed to get something from the Lord.

When God makes a promise, He fully intends to keep it. But we often do not see the fulfillment of some of those promises right away. And we begin to wonder if God changed His mind. 

Perhaps He forgot or decided to do something different? Maybe I asked for something that was outside of His will?

Paul makes it clear that when God says YES he will never say NO. So when you ask Him for something and He promises to give it to you, then you can guarantee it will take place. 

Here is what Paul said about this:

2 Corinthians 1: 19  For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, [even] by me and Silvanus and Timothy , was not yes and no, but in him was yes.
20 For all the promises of God are confirmed in him, and in Him, they shall be fulfilled, to the glory of God through us. [GBMV]

It Always Happens Through Us

I want you to take a good look at that last verse. It says that God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ. But then it also says that this will happen to God’s glory, but it will take place THROUGH us.

You see, whatever God does in this world, He always does it using a human channel. He handed this world over to Adam and his descendants, and He can still do some amazing things. 

But He never does them without us being involved.

Perhaps the Lord made you a promise some time ago, and you waited patiently for it to take place. But after a while nothing happened, and you eventually gave up hoping and believing that He would do it. 

Maybe you even changed your mind and did not really want it any more. And now you are blaming the Lord for nothing happening. 

But the truth is that the Lord is waiting for you to give Him what He needs to bring that promise to pass. 

And if you will just get back into line and give Him that channel that He needs, you will be amazed to see it all come together. 

This Is What You Must Do

Here are some things you can do to make sure that you finally see some of those promises taking place in your life.

1. Go back to the time that God gave you that promise

2. Begin to see yourself receiving the thing He promised

3. Remind Him of His promise and let Him know you still want it

4. Then reach out with the arm of faith and take it out of His hand.

I don’t care how long you have been waiting for this promise to be fulfilled. If you do still desire to receive this, then take the steps I gave you above. 

And start speaking it into existence. Start acting like God who calls the things that are not as though they already exist. 

You will be amazed how quickly you begin to see the manifestation of the thing that you have desired for so long. 

Consider This Final Scripture. 

2 Peter 3: 9 The Lord is not a ditherer where His promise is concerned, in the way that some folks think of dithering; but is patient with us, not wanting anyone to be lost, but allowing space for everyone to change their minds. [GBMV]

It is not the Lord that has been dithering here, but you. Change that and begin to enjoy the wonderful things He promised you. 

3 comments on “God Always Keeps His Promises”

  1. Martha Reimer says:

    I needed this reminder

  2. Jes says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I needed this.

  3. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

    Thanks, apostle Les for sharing this article here. I learned so much. You even went the extra mile, just to outline the steps on how to receive our promises. Yes, sometimes we give up our hope too soon, and I want to appreciate your words of encouragement concerning that.

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